
11 Reasons You Should Be Excited to Turn Thirty

Are your dirty 30s approaching faster than you expected? Turning 30 is a milestone that often comes with a mix of emotions, but there’s plenty to be excited about as you enter this new decade. Thirty is often seen as a time to step into your true purpose and make a lasting impact.

This age has historical and cultural significance. Jesus started his ministry at 30. It’s not something to be depressed or embarrassed about. Maybe you’re about to be the next savior of mankind.

If you have complex feelings about your 30th birthday, that’s okay, but we’re here to tell you why you should be psyched for your third decade!

 1. More Confidence: Not Caring What Others Think

Confident stylish black woman in turban. Smiling woman.
Image credit Ground Picture via Shutterstock.

At 30, you might experience some newfound confidence, which can be incredibly liberating. You no longer feel the need to conform to others’ expectations and can embrace your true self with pride.

Our teens and our 20s are often spent navigating social pressures and trying to figure out who we are or who we want to be within society. While that journey is life-long, by your 30s, you’re less anxious about answering these questions and pleasing others.

 2. Saturn’s Return: Time to Wake Up

Astrologically speaking, Saturn’s Return happens around the age of 29.5 to 30 years, marking a period of significant personal growth and transformation. It’s a time when you reassess your life goals and make meaningful changes. Think of it as the universe giving you a cosmic nudge to become the best version of yourself.

It’s time to wake up, smell the coffee, and get to work, whether that means being more career-ambitious, setting better emotional boundaries, or working on yourself as a whole. Some people speak about Saturn’s Return as something to fear, but we think it’s something to embrace with open arms.

 3. Secure Self-Identity: Knowing Who You Are

two happy young women embracing or hugging
Photo credit Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock

Your 20s are often a time of exploration and self-discovery. By the time you reach 30, you have a clearer understanding of your values, passions, and what makes you tick. This self-awareness allows you to make more informed and fulfilling life choices.

You’ve likely experienced enough of life’s ups and downs to know who you are and what you stand for. This life experience helps you better understand yourself, an understanding that most younger people don’t have yet. Being secure in your self-identity helps you better care for yourself and make decisions that lead to your goals.

 4. Self-Image Acceptance: Finding Comfort in Your Skin

Three young happy women.
Image credit Dean Drobot via Shutterstock.

With age comes a greater acceptance of your body and appearance. There is evidence that people in their 30s often feel more comfortable and confident in their skin, leading to better self-esteem and overall happiness.

Many of us wrestle with self-image all through our tweens, teens, and 20s, and it often feels like it’ll never end. And while your issues with your appearance may not switch off when you blow out the candles, 30 is the beginning of shedding many of these insecurities.

 5. Peak Fitness Endurance: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

woman athlete drinking protein shake. Smoothie.
Image credit Miljan Zivkovic via Shutterstock.

While younger folks may excel in short bursts of activity, your 30s are prime time for endurance sports. Your strength, oxygen efficiency, and coordination come together, making this the perfect decade for long-distance running, triathlons, and other endurance challenges.

Everyone thinks 30 is the beginning of the end for your physicality, but it’s simply not true. This biological evolution aligns well with our mental growth, as 20-year-olds are always anxiously rushing, while 30 is when you learn to slow down and take your time.

 6. Financial Stability: More Money in the Bank

woman working with clay. Ceramics.
Image credit AAAstudios via Shutterstock.

By 30, many people have climbed a few rungs on their career ladder and achieved a level of financial stability. This means fewer ramen noodle dinners and more opportunities to enjoy life’s luxuries, whether that’s traveling, dining out, or investing in hobbies.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you’ll be financially stable when you hit 30, especially with current economic problems. However, most people feel they have better financial footing at age 30 and, at the very least, better financial literacy.

 7. Better Relationships: Keeping Your Circle Small

Gender queer friends.
Image credit CREATISTA via Shutterstock.

In your 30s, you tend to whittle down your social circle to those who truly matter. This shift from quantity to quality means deeper, more meaningful friendships and relationships. You become better at spotting toxic relationships and focusing on those that bring joy and support.

When you’re young, you want to have as many friends as possible. But as you get older, you realize that quality is more important than quantity. According to research, the ideal number of friends is three to five, so only keep the good ones around.

 8. Career Satisfaction: On the Path to Success

happy at work.
Image credit Jacob Lund via Shutterstock.

Your 30s often bring career advancements and the confidence to pursue your professional dreams. Whether it’s a promotion, a career change, or starting your own business, this decade is ripe with opportunities for career satisfaction and growth.

In general, people take 30-year-olds more seriously than people in their 20s. This is around the time people might stop condescendingly referring to you as a “kid,” so look forward to that, even if your career path isn’t paved in gold. And if you despise your career, 30 is a brilliant time to make a change.

 9. Potential for Geniusness: Are You the Next Einstein?

woman studying. Researching.
Image credit fizkes via Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, many geniuses and successful individuals hit their stride in their 30s. Think of Charles Darwin, who published On the Origin of Species* at 50, or Stan Lee, who created his first comic at 39!

A study suggested that the brain’s cognitive abilities can peak in this decade, making it a prime time for intellectual and creative breakthroughs. The peak is said to take place between 35 and 45, so you’re not there quite yet, but it’s something to be excited about.

 10. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Honing Your Empathy and Sympathy

Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Canva.

As you grow older, you tend to develop better emotional intelligence. This means you’re more adept at understanding and managing your own emotions, as well as empathizing with others.

Enhanced emotional intelligence can lead to healthier relationships and better conflict-resolution skills. It’s not a secret that teenagers can be brutal, and a lot of that is because they don’t have mature brain responses or ample life experience. But you, approaching 30, do!

 11. Feeling of Accomplishment: You’ve Made it This Far!

Happy couple.
Image credit Andrii Iemelianenko via Shutterstock.

Turning 30 is a great time to reflect on your achievements so far. Whether it’s personal, professional, or academic accomplishments, this milestone allows you to take stock of how far you’ve come and set new goals for the future. It’s a moment to celebrate your journey and look forward to new adventures.

Even if you’re at rock bottom, what better time is there to turn it around? We recommend reflecting on what you’re proud of, grateful for, and looking forward to.

It’s Time to be Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

happy couple
Photo credit Samuel Borges Photography

Sure, turning 30 is the death of your 20s, but is that a bad thing? Your 20s can be rough, and many famous individuals achieved greatness after turning 30. Vera Wang designed her first dress at 40. Martha Stewart didn’t become the lifestyle guru we know her as today until 41.

These stories remind us that it’s never too late to chase your dreams and achieve remarkable success (we know it’s cheesy, but it’s true). So, what are you waiting for, you sprightly vision of youth?

Women Around The World Are Opting Out Of Marriage

Three older women outside in a courtyard amongst suburban houses.
Image credit Carlo Prearo via Shutterstock.

In a world where traditional norms are constantly evolving, the institution of marriage is undergoing significant scrutiny, particularly among women. Dinah Hannaford, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Houston, delves deep into the reasons behind this societal shift, offering fresh insights into why women around the world are choosing to opt out of marriage.

READ: Women Around The World Are Opting Out Of Marriage

Stay Safe While Online Dating: Essential Tips for Women Of All Ages

Happy relaxed young woman sitting on couch using cell phone, smiling lady laughing holding smartphone, looking at cellphone enjoying doing online ecommerce shopping in mobile apps or watching videos.
Photo credit insta_photos via Shutterstock.

As a post-menopausal single woman heading into my mid-60s who has come to value my autonomy and peace of mind above all else, and as an avid listener to the Dateline podcast, my inclination to venture back onto online dating has been almost non-existent in the past few years.

But I was bored one evening and decided to log in to Match.com for the first time in many years to see if the same pool of people was there since the last time I logged in. I found myself updating my profile, changing out the photos, and paying for a month of access, and then I went to bed.

READ:Stay Safe While Online Dating: Essential Tips for Women Of All Ages

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  • Veronica Booth

    Veronica is a lifestyle and culture writer from Boston, MA, with a passion for all things entertainment, fashion, food, and travel. She graduated from Boston University in 2019 with a bachelor's in English literature. She writes about what inspires her — a stylish Wes Anderson film, a clever cleaning hack, a surprising fashion trend. Her writing ranges from cheeky listicles to thoughtful editorials. When she’s not writing about life's little joys, she likes to dive into deeper topics, such as poignant cultural shifts, mental health studies, and controversial trends. She has written for and been syndicated by publications like The Weather Channel, The Daily Meal, The Borgen Project, MSN, and Not Deer Magazine.

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