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Making Micro-Feminism a Habit: 16 Actions That Can Subtly Improve Equality

Micro-feminism refers to the small, everyday actions that challenge sexist norms and promote gender equality. These seemingly minor yet impactful efforts contribute to creating a more inclusive and fair society for everyone.

If you’ve spent any time on TikTok, you’ve likely seen the trend where women share stories of “micro-feminisms”—simple, conscious acts that push back against patriarchal structures, one step at a time.

You don’t need to march in protests or run for office to make a feminist impact. Small actions like holding your ground while walking down the street or rearranging toys in a store to challenge gender stereotypes can help shift the balance toward a more equitable world for women.

1. Default to “She”

woman finger point.
ViDI Studio via Shutterstock.

It is often assumed that a doctor or other professional is male, and they are referred to as “he” by default. This reinforces the idea that only men, or mostly men, can hold positions of power. When referring to an unknown person, use “she” as the default pronoun. This counters the historical use of “he” as the default and increases the visibility of women in language. We even like to do this when metaphorically referring to inanimate objects. This challenges stereotypes and promotes recognition of women in various fields.

2. Clarify Sports Team Gender

women's US soccer.
Mikolaj Barbanell via Shutterstock.

Regularly ask or clarify whether the sports team being discussed is men’s or women’s. Not only does this often leave men momentarily confused, but it also serves as a bold reminder that women’s sports teams exist and are equally important. It’s a subtle but powerful way to bring attention to gender parity in sports conversations. It challenges the assumption that “sports” automatically refers to men’s teams and increases the visibility of women’s sports.

3. Empower Young Girls in STEM

girl building robot.
AlesiaKan via Shutterstock.

Encourage young girls to explore and get excited about STEM subjects and careers. This helps challenge gender barriers in traditionally male-dominated fields while promoting diversity in innovation. We’re not talking about launching STEM programs (that’s broader feminism, not micro), but rather smaller actions like gifting science books or toys, watching STEM-related shows or movies with them, and nurturing their natural curiosity. These simple gestures can significantly impact shaping a more inclusive future in science and technology.

4. Mix Up Gendered Products

girl playing with trucks.
Ruslan Galiullin via Shutterstock.

Challenge gender stereotypes by subtly rearranging products in stores, blending traditionally “boy” and “girl” items. This simple action questions the arbitrary gender divisions often found in children’s products. For example, place Barbie dolls in the truck aisle at Walmart, move pink T-shirts to the boys’ section at Target, or mix princess and pirate books together at Barnes & Noble. Small actions like these encourage a more inclusive view of toys, clothing, and books—reminding us that interests shouldn’t be defined by gender.

5. Use Gender Neutral Language

seaseasyd via Shutterstock.

Use gender-neutral terms like “firefighter” instead of “fireman” in both professional and casual conversations to promote inclusivity and challenge gendered assumptions about specific roles. For example, waiters and waitresses, actors and actresses, landlords and landladies all perform the same work, so why shouldn’t they share the same job title? By consciously removing gender from job descriptions, we help create a more equitable language that reflects the reality that people of all genders can succeed in any profession.

6. Boo Sexist Comments and Jokes

woman saying no. stop. Hand.
fizkes via Shutterstock.

Address sexist jokes or comments in social situations, and don’t be afraid to push back a little. By calling out this behavior, you raise awareness and discourage the normalization of sexist attitudes. Often, we stay silent because we don’t want to be seen as “difficult” or a “buzzkill,” but it’s time to forget that mindset. The next time you hear a sexist joke, don’t hesitate to respond—whether by saying “that’s sexist” or “that’s not funny,” or even giving them a literal boo. At the very least, resist the urge to smile or laugh along, as that only validates the behavior. Stand your ground and help set the standard for respect.

7. Divide Chores Evenly

man vacuuming.
Andrey_Popov via Shutterstock.

Share household and workplace chores equally between men and women to break down traditional gender roles and create a more balanced environment. In the office, let men take on tasks like making the coffee, cleaning the breakroom, watering the plants, or taking notes during meetings. At home, encourage your male partner to handle chores like cleaning the toilet, vacuuming, and making the bed every morning. The key is to stop doing these things for them and set clear expectations that everyone should contribute equally. This helps foster a more equitable partnership and holds men accountable for pulling their weight.

8. Patronize Women-Owned Businesses and Spaces

woman owned business.
Galina Zhigalova via Shutterstock.

This one’s simple! As a form of micro-feminism, make it a point to seek out and support businesses and spaces owned by women. Doing so promotes economic empowerment and increases visibility for women entrepreneurs. Whether it’s a restaurant, gym, retail store, or even websites (like The Queen Zone), make a conscious effort to direct your money and time toward female-led establishments. It’s a powerful way to contribute to gender equality while supporting women in business.

9. Pay Women a Little More

woman making money sign rubbing fingers together.
Image credit Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

When commissioning work, consider paying women a bit extra to help counteract the gender pay gap and support their professional growth. If you can’t do this, it’s okay. But if a woman is charging $100 for a painting, consider sending her $110, or maybe even $200 if you have the means. It’s a small way to support the sisterhood. 

10. Echo and Amplify Other Women in Conversations

two women talking - office
Photo credit SDI Productions via Canva Pro

Ensure women’s ideas are heard and credited in all settings. This combats the tendency for women’s contributions to be overlooked or appropriated. If you see a man try to take credit, step in and say something like, “That’s a good idea but I also thought it was a good idea when Robin said it last week.” Whenever referring to an idea a woman came up with, refer to it as “Dede’s idea” or “Veronica’s idea” to emphasize their contribution. If a woman is talked over, stop the interrupter and give her the space to speak. 

11. List Women’s Names First

writing email.
Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock.

List women’s names first in emails, posts, accreditations, and bylines. This subtle change challenges the default of men’s names taking precedence. This is such a small act that many people might not even notice it, but it can subconsciously shift their perception of men and women! Men have been going first long enough, so it’s time for ladies to actually be first.

12. Shift Parenting Expectations

Family celebrating Easter.
Image credit Pixel-Shot via Shutterstock.

Although many mothers also have careers, people still expect them to do most of the parenting. Move against this by expecting equal parenting or expecting fathers to be the more involved parent. We’ve loved hearing teachers ask fathers rather than defaulting to the mothers to volunteer at school functions or bring something for the bake sale. If it’s something you feel like you’d typically ask the mom, consider asking the dad instead. 

13. Embrace Your Natural Look

no makeup. natural beauty.
Romanchini via Shutterstock.

If you hate wearing makeup, great news! That can be a form of micro-feminism. To be clear, women who want to wear makeup can and should; it’s not necessarily anti-feminist. But if you don’t want to, then don’t. Embracing natural appearances challenges gender expectations. The same goes for your clothes. No matter your body type, wear what you want to wear! This promotes self-acceptance and body positivity for all women. 

14. Refuse to Move Out of the Way

woman in crowd.
MPH Photos via Shutterstock.

When walking, don’t feel obligated to step aside for men. This small but impactful act asserts women’s right to equal space in public areas. If you happen to bump into someone, perhaps it will be a lesson learned. If a man is taking up too much space on public transport, don’t hesitate to tell him to move his leg. Stand firm in asserting your space. However, always prioritize your safety and avoid confrontations that could put you at risk.

15. Delete All Those Apologies

don't say sorry.
Stock Photo via Shutterstock.

Stop apologizing when you’ve done nothing wrong. This helps break the societal expectation that women should always be overly accommodating. The next time you draft a work email, take a moment to read through and remove every unnecessary “sorry” or any other apology. Make it a habit to eliminate it from your daily language unless you genuinely owe someone an apology. Reclaim your confidence by using assertive, clear language without the need for constant apologies.

16. Use Women’s Last Names

confident woman.
AYO Production via Shutterstock.

When we talk about politicians, authors, and other famous people, we often use the man’s last name to refer to them (Biden), but for women with the same credibility and status, we use their first name (Kamala). This is micro-misogyny and implies women should be taken less seriously or don’t have the same authority. Use women’s last names. It’s Plath, not Sylvia. It’s Harris, not Kamala. It’s about respect.

The Feminist Ripple Effect

female friends.
Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock.

These micro-feminist actions create a ripple effect, gradually challenging deeply ingrained gender biases and promoting equality in our everyday lives. While we’ve shared a few examples, there are countless other ways to incorporate micro-feminism into your routine.

Every time you support another woman or hold firm to your emotional, mental, or physical space instead of yielding it for a man, you’re practicing micro-feminism. So, let’s dismantle the patriarchy bit by bit—one gender-neutral word and small action at a time.

Breaking the 1950s Illusion: Why Women Are Not Going Back

1950s ads
Image credit The Queen Zone

The 1950s are often idealized as a golden age for women, with images of perfectly groomed housewives tending to their families in spotless homes. This era is frequently romanticized as a time when women were fulfilled by their roles as wives and mothers, supposedly embodying the epitome of femininity and domestic bliss. However, this nostalgic view overlooks the restrictive social norms, lack of personal freedom, and limited opportunities that defined the lives of many women during that time.

Today, women are rejecting this unrealistic portrayal often reflected in conservative policies and talking points and are not interested in returning to an era that prioritized conformity over individuality. Instead, they are embracing diverse paths that allow them to define their own identities and pursue lives that align with their values and aspirations.

READ: Breaking the 1950s Illusion: Why Women Are Not Going Back

How Women Voters Will Shape the 2024 Election

women voting.
Image credit vesperstock via Shutterstock.

As the 2024 election approaches, the role of women voters is more critical than ever. Women have consistently turned out to vote at higher rates than men, and their influence is expected to be a decisive factor in the upcoming election. Here’s a closer look at how women voters will shape the 2024 election and insights from experts on the gender gap in politics.

READ: How Women Voters Will Shape the 2024 Election


Experts Reveal The Alarming Truth About Adult Bullying

office bullying
Photo credit fizkes from Getty Images via Canva Pro

Until recently, anti-bullying advocacy has focused primarily on youth. However, adult bullying is on the rise and poses significant risks to our collective mental and physical well-being. As a journalist who has experienced online bullying for years, I sought to better understand the nature and impact of this rise and what, if anything, we can do about it. This article for The Queen Zone results from a series of interviews I conducted with experts in this field. READ: Experts Reveal The Alarming Truth About Adult Bullying

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Image Credit The Queen Zone

Join us on this empowering journey as we explore, celebrate, and elevate “her story.” The Queen Zone is not just a platform; it’s a community where women from all walks of life can come together, share their experiences, and inspire one another. Welcome to a space where the female experience takes center stage. Sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss a thing, Queen!


  • Veronica Booth

    Veronica is a lifestyle and culture writer from Boston, MA, with a passion for all things entertainment, fashion, food, and travel. She graduated from Boston University in 2019 with a bachelor's in English literature. She writes about what inspires her — a stylish Wes Anderson film, a clever cleaning hack, a surprising fashion trend. Her writing ranges from cheeky listicles to thoughtful editorials. When she’s not writing about life's little joys, she likes to dive into deeper topics, such as poignant cultural shifts, mental health studies, and controversial trends. She has written for and been syndicated by publications like The Weather Channel, The Daily Meal, The Borgen Project, MSN, and Not Deer Magazine.

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  • Dede Wilson

    Dédé Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone.

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