
Brands Are Getting Political: Brave Decision or Business Blunder?

In an era where the lines between business and politics are increasingly blurred, more companies are stepping into the political arena by publicly supporting presidential candidates. This trend has sparked both admiration and controversy, as brands take stands that resonate with their values—and the values of their customer base.

Penzeys Spices: A Case Study in Political Advocacy

Image courtesy Penzeys.

One notable example is Penzeys Spices, a company that has made headlines for its outspoken political positions. This article explores the implications of businesses publicly endorsing presidential candidates, examining both the benefits and potential risks of such a strategy.

Say It Loud & Proud

Image courtesy Penzeys.

Penzeys Spices, a Wisconsin-based company known for its high-quality herbs and spices, has become a notable example of a business using its platform to advocate for political causes. Under the leadership of CEO Bill Penzey, the company has been vocal in its opposition to certain political figures and policies, particularly those associated with the Republican Party. Above you can see one of their public billboards that they put up in Milwaukee.

Targeted Use Of Social Media

Image credit OogImages via Shutterstock.

During the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Penzeys Spices openly supported the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. The company’s newsletters and social media posts frequently included political commentary, urging customers to vote for Biden as a means of opposing what Penzey described as the divisive and harmful policies of the Trump administration. This stance was not new; Penzey had previously criticized Donald Trump’s presidency and expressed support for progressive causes, including racial justice and LGBTQ+ rights.

Backlash Ensues; Company Stands Firm

Image courtesy Penzeys.

Penzey’s approach has been polarizing. While many customers appreciate the company’s commitment to social justice and its willingness to take a stand, others have criticized the brand for mixing politics with business. Despite the backlash, Penzeys Spices has maintained its stance, arguing that silence in the face of injustice is not an option.

The Rise of Political Branding

Image courtesy Penzeys.

Penzeys Spices is not alone in its foray into the political sphere. In recent years, several companies have begun to align themselves with political movements or candidates, often reflecting the personal values of their leadership or the company’s broader corporate mission. This trend, often referred to as “political branding,” has become a powerful tool for businesses to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

Political Stances Not New

Image credit Dan Jardine via Shutterstock.

Brands like Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s, and Nike have all made headlines for their political activism. Patagonia, for instance, has been a vocal advocate for environmental protection, going so far as to sue the Trump administration over public land policies. Ben & Jerry’s, known for its progressive values, has supported various social justice causes and political candidates who align with those values. Nike’s decision to feature Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL player known for kneeling during the national anthem in protest of police brutality, in a major ad campaign was seen as a bold political statement.

Shared Values, But Not Always

Ben & Jerry's.
Image credit Joshua Small-Photographer via Shutterstock.

These companies have found that taking a stand can resonate deeply with consumers who share their values. In a market where consumers are increasingly looking for brands that reflect their own beliefs, political branding can help companies build strong, loyal customer bases. However, it’s a double-edged sword: for every customer a company gains through its political stance, it risks alienating others who disagree.

The Risks of Political Endorsements

mad frustrated woman.
Image credit DimaBerlin via Shutterstock.

While political branding can create a strong connection with like-minded consumers, it also carries significant risks. The most obvious is the potential to alienate a portion of the customer base. In a polarized political climate, taking a public stand on a controversial issue or endorsing a specific candidate can lead to boycotts, negative press, and social media backlash.

You Can’t Please Everyone

Image credit 18th Studio via Shutterstock.

For example, after Penzeys Spices began its political advocacy, the company faced criticism from conservative customers who felt alienated by its messaging. Some vowed to take their business elsewhere, accusing the company of politicizing something as neutral as cooking spices. Similarly, Nike’s Kaepernick ad campaign led to a wave of backlash, with some consumers even burning their Nike gear in protest.

Is It Worth It?

woman questioning. Wonder. Question.
Image credit yavyav via Shutterstock.

Moreover, political endorsements can make a company a target for political attacks. Businesses that take sides in an election may find themselves the subject of negative attention from political figures, media outlets, or activist groups opposed to their stance. This can create a challenging environment for companies, particularly those that rely on broad consumer appeal.

A Difficult Equation

Risk vs Reward.
Image credit ChristianChan via Shutterstock.

There is also the question of employee morale. Employees may have diverse political views, and a company’s public endorsement of a particular candidate or cause could create tension within the workplace. Companies need to navigate these dynamics carefully to avoid alienating or disenfranchising their own workforce.

The Benefits of Taking a Stand

woman using credit card.
Image credit Cast Of Thousands via Shutterstock.

Despite the risks, many companies see significant benefits in aligning themselves with political candidates or causes. For one, it can be a powerful way to build brand identity. In a world where consumers have countless options, brands that stand for something can create a distinct identity that resonates with a specific audience. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and a stronger emotional connection between the brand and its consumers.

Attention Pro & Con

Image credit Aleksandr Ozerov via Shutterstock.

Political endorsements can also generate significant media coverage, increasing brand visibility. When a company takes a bold stand, it often garners attention from both traditional media and social media, creating opportunities to reach new audiences.

Reflect Core Values

Core values.
Image credit Mikail Petrov via Shutterstock.

Furthermore, taking a political stance can reflect a company’s core values. For some businesses, endorsing a candidate is less about marketing and more about aligning their brand with their ethical commitments. This authenticity can be appealing to consumers who are looking for brands that not only sell products but also contribute to social change.

Their Impact Counts

democrats vs republicans.
Image credit StunningArt via Shutterstock.

Finally, companies that engage in political advocacy may find that they can influence public policy in ways that benefit their business or align with their values. By supporting candidates who share their vision, these companies can help shape the political landscape in a way that reflects their ideals.

The Future of Political Branding

Social media.
Image credit Anucha Tiemsom via Shutterstock.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it’s likely that more companies will join the ranks of those publicly supporting candidates. The rise of social media has made it easier for businesses to communicate directly with consumers, and many are using these platforms to express their political views.

Weighing The Benefits

the word integrity
Photo credit 1001Loves via Canva Pro

However, the future of political branding will depend on how consumers react to these endorsements. In a deeply divided society, the risk of alienating large segments of the market is real. Companies will need to carefully weigh the benefits of taking a stand against the potential backlash.

The Takeaway

Spending money. Credit card.
Image credit fizkes via Shutterstock.

In conclusion, as companies like Penzeys Spices demonstrate, the decision to publicly support a presidential candidate is not one to be taken lightly. It can enhance brand identity, foster customer loyalty, and contribute to social change, but it also carries the risk of alienating customers and attracting controversy. As more companies navigate the complex interplay between business and politics, the landscape of political branding is likely to continue evolving, reflecting the shifting values of both businesses and consumers.

Think Your Vote Doesn’t Matter? These Close Calls in History Prove Otherwise!

Your Vote Matters.
Image credit StunningArt via Shutterstock.

Voting is a fundamental right and a cornerstone of democracy. It is the mechanism by which citizens participate in the governance of their country, ensuring that their voices are heard and their interests represented. Despite its importance, voter turnout often falls short, with many people feeling that their single vote does not matter in the grand scheme of things. However, history has shown that votes can indeed make a significant difference, sometimes determining the outcome of an election by the slimmest of margins. This article will explore why voting is so important and provide examples of critical moments in U.S. history when close votes have shaped the nation.

READ: Think Your Vote Doesn’t Matter? These Close Calls in History Prove Otherwise!

Spot the Lies: A Guide to Detecting Misinformation in Political Ads

Lying politician.
Image credit Master1305 via Shutterstock.

In an age where information flows rapidly and easily across various media platforms, political advertisements have become a significant tool for influencing voters’ opinions. However, these ads are often laced with misinformation, half-truths, or misleading claims designed to sway public perception. Detecting misinformation in political ads is crucial for making informed decisions and fostering a healthy democratic process. This article explores various strategies and tips to help you identify and guard against misinformation in political advertisements.

READ: Spot the Lies: A Guide to Detecting Misinformation in Political Ads

Has the United States Ever Been This Politically, Socially and Culturally Divided in the Last 100 Years?

Double exposure image. A man and a woman scream at each other, their silhouettes are combined with a picture of fists to enhance drama.
Photo credit SvetaZi via Shutterstock

Every day we wake up to more news about how divided our country is and how increasingly angry and intolerant we are becoming of each other. It is not uncommon for many of us to feel anxiety and fear that we are headed in a direction we cannot return from. Has the United States ever been this politically, socially and culturally divided in the last 100 years? History says yes. And the influences on social divisions have been shifting.

READ: Has the United States Ever Been This Politically, Socially and Culturally Divided in the Last 100 Years?

Experts Reveal The Alarming Truth About Adult Bullying

office bullying
Photo credit fizkes from Getty Images via Canva Pro

Until recently, anti-bullying advocacy has focused primarily on youth. However, adult bullying is on the rise and poses significant risks to our collective mental and physical well-being. As a journalist who has experienced online bullying for years, I sought to better understand the nature and impact of this rise and what, if anything, we can do about it. This article for The Queen Zone results from a series of interviews I conducted with experts in this field. READ: Experts Reveal The Alarming Truth About Adult Bullying

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  • Dede Wilson

    Dédé Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone.

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