
Don’t Get Caught Without This In Your Wallet!

Cash. It never used to be controversial, but these days it appears that there are those on both sides of the coin (so to speak). For those of us of a certain age we can remember our mothers always telling us to keep a $20 bill in our shoe or bra, in case of emergencies. Now many of us struggle to find a coin to put in the meter.

Cash lovers, and those who never carry it. What’s the reasoning, either way? A Redditor was thinking the same thing, and asked the question, Do You Still Carry Cash? These are the answers they got.

Do you still carry cash? And for what?

Food and Those Pesky Tips

Tipping waitress.
Image credit lunopark via Shutterstock.

Many people eat out a lot and that has become a mine field of taxable opportunities; carrying cash comes in handy: ā€œI do now, mostly to avoid being asked to tip 30% on a sandwich that I carried outā€.

Of course, the snarky commenters had to weigh in: ā€œI like it when people tip 30%. That way when I tip nothing I think to myself that when I’m averaged with the other guy before me it comes out to a nice 15%ā€.

Nothing Like Cold Hard Cash

Money exchanging hands.
Image credit Yellow Cat via Shutterstock.

ā€œI always carry cash, and always have… usually $400 in assorted bills. For most things, I use my debit card like everyone else, but occasionally a situation can arise that will require cash…. credit card machines down, etc. It’s come in handy a number of timesā€.

Amount Of Transaction Counts

coins being passed.
Photo credit: Aris Leoven via Canva.

For small transactions, several commenters agreed that cash is the way: ā€œI like to keep a small amount of cash. I don’t know why, but I hate swiping my card for transactions under $5ā€.

The True Cost Of Not Using Cash

Hands holding cash and credit card.
Photo credit: 89Stocker via Canva.

How about this take? ā€œDigital money is a failure in disguise. The amount of charges and automatic payments and subscriptions racked onto a checking account number can almost feel like the financial equivalent of being constantly siphoned. Couple years ago I switched to cash. Watched as my savings racked up and my spending plummeted, while my quality of life remained the sameā€.

This post on Facebook did a great job of explaining the true cost of cash:

“Please understand what NOT using cash is doing. Cash is important. Why should we pay cash everywhere we can with banknotes instead of a credit card?

I have a $50 banknote in my pocket.

Going to a restaurant and paying for dinner with it. The restaurant owner then uses the bill to pay for the laundry. The laundry owner then uses the bill to pay the barber. The barber will then use the bill for shopping.

After an unlimited number of payments, it will still remain a $50, which has fulfilled its purpose to everyone who used it for payment and the bank has jumped dry from every cash payment transaction made…

But if I come to a restaurant and pay digitally – Card, and bank fees for my payment transaction charged to the seller are 3%, so around $1.50 and so will the fee $1.50 for each further payment transaction or owner re laundry or payments of the owner of the laundry shop, or payments of the barber etc…..

Therefore, after 30 transactions, the initial $50 will remain only $5 and the remaining $45 became the property of the bank thanks to all digital transactions and fees.

Small businesses need your help and this is one way to help ourselves too. Pull small draws of cash out at a time and use that instead of tap, credit, etc.

When this is put into perspective, imagine what each retailer is paying on a monthly basis in fees at 3% per transaction through their Point Of Sale machine.

If they have, for example, $50,000 in sales & 90% are by Card, they are paying $1500 in fees in ONE Month. $18,000 in a year! That comes out of their income every month.

That would go a long way to helping that small business provide for its family!”

Drugs? Or Maybe Not

cash and drugs
Photo credit: towfiqu shamed barbhuiya via Canva.

Some folks joked that of course they carry cash, for their drug buying, because as one commenter said, ā€œOf course, I’m not gonna buy drugs with a credit cardā€, to which another just had one word to add: ā€œVenmoā€.

So that opened a discussion about Venmo and the fact that there is a ā€œVenmo friends activity feedā€. You can see what others are spending money for.

Apparently, some kids write in that they are buying ā€œdrugsā€ when they are paying their friends back, or just paying for food. The IRS must love that.


cannabis shop.
Photo credit: Erik Mclean via Canva.

For those where cannabis is legal, there were comments such as, ā€œThe dispensary next door is cash onlyā€. Other dispensaries take cards ā€œbut charges a fee, cash is still kingā€.

COVID Changed Things

COVID vaccine vials.
Photo credit: Maksim Goncharenok.

ā€œWhen COVID started, my employer stopped accepting anything except plastic, so we werenā€™t handling cash/checks. We fought like hell at the end to stay cashless; one for cleanliness, but two because requirements to handle, store, and transport cash in my org is so complicated, labor intensive, and time consuming. Thank goodness he supported us and we only take credit/debit cardsā€.

Risk Tolerance

Photo credit: WOKANDAPIX via Canva.

A few posters took risk of ID theft into account. As one put it in reference to small purchases: ā€œRisk tolerance I suppose. The risk of your card details being stolen isnā€™t worth those transactionsā€.


ATM machine.
Photo credit: Peggy_Marco via Canva.

Sometimes cash is the way to go, like for emergencies. Here are two comments that make a whole lot of sense:

ā€œYep 40ā‚¬ emergency money, you never know when the banks have an outageā€.


ā€œYes. You never know when your card will be rejected for no reason. I carry an extra 100 hidden in my wallet for emergenciesā€.


Photo credit: Mikhail Nilov via Canva.

Others pointed out that paying with cash helps you stay within your means. ā€œOf course. It’s easier to stay on a budget if you pay cashā€ said one. 

And this smart tip: ā€œI used to tell myself that I was making a smart financial choice sticking to my rewards cards. After all, if taking cash out costs a percentage while swiping a card returns me a percentage, the choice is clear. What I didn’t take into account – or more likely refused to admit – was that it’s way easier to just keep swiping your card and avoid hitting refresh on mint than it is to avoid counting the cash left in the weekly budget. I’ve dropped my discretionary spending by about half since switching to cashā€.


mega Deal.
Photo credit: TheDigitalArtist via Canva.

Sometimes a deal can be had with cash: ā€œOne would be amazed at a discount with a lot of shops you can get if you let them know you are paying in cashā€.

ā€œI’ve gone back to cash for a lot of things. Especially local diners and small businesses who have to pay for their credit card transactions. My local diner will give a 3% discount if you pay by cash. Although I always give that back to the staff–better that they have it than the credit card companiesā€.

Cash & Nothing Else

Red head holding money.
Image credit Masson via Shutterstock.

Several people said cash was all they used:

  • Itā€™s all I use.
  • Yes, I usually have a few hundred in cash in my wallet most of the time.
  • Cash rules everything around me.
  • Absolutely. Cash is still king in America.
  • Yes cash is still king and can get you into or out of things a card never will.
  • Always I usually still pay with cash.
  • When I get below $100 in cash – I start looking for an ATM.
  • Always. Cash can’t be declined.
  • A gentleman always carries cash, primarily for those situations where only cash will solve a problem.

How Do You Carry Cash?

cash in man's pocket.
Photo credit: towfiqu shamed barbhuiya via Canva.

How all these cash carriers are toting their money became a topic of discussion. It all started to get lively when Pond_Minnow said: ā€œNo wallet. I only pay in cash. I stay with about $500 in my pocket usuallyā€.

Folks had things to say: ā€œWhy donā€™t you carry a wallet? The money is gonna degrade rolling around with your pocket lint and boogersā€, and ā€œPeople like this make me hate my cashiering job. Nasty money all wrinkled and covered in sweat. I freakinā€™ gag. Then I gotta hand that nasty money out to customers too. Just know almost all your cash is covered in human juices and cocaineā€. Okay then.

When In Switzerlandā€¦

Photo credit: Lorelei via Canva.

Cash usage can vary depending on here you live.

ā€œYes. Here in Switzerland a lot of transactions are still done with cash. No transaction fee, and no one needs to know about it. 2-3 years ago the central bank updated the banknotes, you could go in there with 50k in cash to swap for the new ones and not even give your first nameā€.

And Over In The UKā€¦

Photo credit: sopwithxiii1918 via Canva.

ā€œDuring my 2 week trip to visit my daughter in London last year, I never used cash once. The grocery store near her has 20 self-check lines, and only one line that will take cash. She said it is called ‘the American tourist line’. They seldom use cards either, everything is Google Pay, or at least touchless. I used a 20 pence pay toilet out in the middle of nowhere – it didn’t accept cash, only Google or Apple Pay. 

The US is soooo behind the curve on thisā€.


woman holding bills in each hand.
Photo credit: Pavel Danilyuk.

We donā€™t know if one Redditor was kidding or not: ā€œWhat kind of a hooker takes a credit card?ā€

This article was inspired by this thread on Reddit.

Ā Are We Getting Bullied Into Tipping? When To, How Much And When Not To Tip

Tip screen.
Image credit Sadi-Santos via Shutterstock.

It is happening more and more. You are standing in line at a fast food restaurant or coffee shop, the counter person guides you to the point-of-sale machine and there it is, staring at you. Even at self-checkout machines, a screen comes up suggesting that you tip, complete with an array of amounts, sometimes a dollar amount, other times a percentage.

READ: Are We Getting Bullied Into Tipping? When To, How Much And When Not To Tip

Retire Early, Live Fully: Embracing The FIRE Lifestyle For Financial Independence

Emergency fund. Woman with money.
Image credit PaeGAG via Shutterstock.

The FIRE movement emphasizes the pursuit of early retirement by adhering to a lifestyle characterized by frugality, substantial savings, and strategic investments. Participants aim to accumulate enough financial resources to sustainably cover their living expenses without the need for traditional employment.

READ: Retire Early, Live Fully: Embracing The FIRE Lifestyle For Financial Independence

9 Of The Most Regretted Purchases People Still Regularly Make

Buyers remorse.
Image credit New Africa via Shutterstock.

Many people regret trying to keep up with the latest trends, whether itā€™s buying expensive fashion items, fancy gadgets, or luxury cars; the initial excitement often fades quickly, leaving behind feelings of disappointment. Itā€™s essential to focus on what truly brings long-term satisfaction rather than chasing fleeting trends. Letā€™s take a look at a few trends and costly items that are best avoided. Read: 9 Of The Most Regretted Purchases People Still Regularly Make

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  • Dede Wilson

    DĆ©dĆ© Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP EverydayĀ® and The Queen Zone.

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