
How Safe Is Your Child’s School? 6 Critical Questions Parents Need to Ask

In an era where school safety concerns are paramount, parents and caregivers play a crucial role in ensuring their children’s well-being. While schools bear the primary responsibility for student safety, informed and engaged parents can significantly contribute to creating a secure learning environment.

Keep Channels Open

woman being smart.
Image credit Nutlegal Photographer via Shutterstock.

By asking the right questions, parents can gain valuable insights into their school’s safety protocols and advocate for effective measures. This article outlines six essential questions that parents and caregivers should pose to their schools regarding safety measures against shootings and violence.

 1. What Safety Policies And Procedures Are In Place?

Kyle J Little via Shutterstock.

Ask to review the school’s current safety policy and emergency operations plan. Find out how often these are evaluated and updated. The policy should incorporate best practices and recommendations from school safety experts. Ask about threat assessment protocols and who is responsible for conducting them.

 2. What Physical Security Measures Are Implemented?

school camera.
Cavee via Shutterstock.

Inquire about building safety measures like secure access points, visitor check-in systems, and surveillance cameras. Ask if classrooms can be quickly secured in case of lockdown. While physical security is important, avoid advocating for extreme measures like metal detectors that aren’t proven effective and can negatively impact school climate.

3. How Are Staff And Students Trained For Emergencies?

shooter drills.
Glenn Highcove via Shutterstock.

Ask about the frequency and type of emergency drills conducted, including active shooter drills. Inquire how staff are trained to recognize warning signs of potential violence and respond to various crisis scenarios. Find out if students receive age-appropriate safety education.

 4. How Will Parents Be Notified In An Emergency?

Woman using phone.
BelieveInMe via DepositPhoto

Learn about the school’s emergency notification system for contacting parents via text, email, phone, etc. Ask how quickly parents can expect to be informed if there is a safety threat or incident. Ensure the school has your up-to-date contact information.

 5. What Mental Health And Counseling Resources Are Available?

Child in therapy.
Image credit Ground Picture via Shutterstock.

Ask about counseling services, mental health screenings, and evidence-based crisis intervention programs to support students. These are critical for identifying and helping students who may be in crisis before violence occurs.

 6. How Does The School Foster A Safe And Supportive Environment?

wonder. think.
Image credit Krakenimages.com via Shutterstock.

Inquire about efforts to build strong student-staff relationships and students’ sense of belonging. Ask how the school encourages students to report concerns to trusted adults. A positive school climate is key for violence prevention.

Communication Is Key

school administrators.
futurewalk via Shutterstock.

By asking these questions, parents can gain important insights into their school’s safety approach and advocate for evidence-based practices that truly keep students safe. Avoid pushing for potentially harmful measures like arming teachers or frequent active shooter drills involving students. Instead, focus on comprehensive policies, mental health support, and fostering a positive school environment.


happy kid and teacher at school.
Drazen Zigic via Shutterstock.

Engaging in open dialogue with schools about safety measures is not just a right but a responsibility for parents and caregivers. By asking these critical questions, families can better understand the strategies in place to protect their children and identify areas that may need improvement. Remember, effective school safety is a collaborative effort that involves administrators, staff, students, and families working together. While no single approach can guarantee absolute safety, a comprehensive strategy that combines physical security, emergency preparedness, mental health support, and a positive school climate can significantly reduce risks. Stay informed, stay involved, and continue to advocate for evidence-based practices that truly enhance school safety for all students.

Are Your Teens Prepared For The Real World? How Many Of These Can Your Teen Check Off?

Happy teenagers.
Image credit Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock.

As teenagers transition into adulthood, it’s crucial for them to develop the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the real world. Some adults weigh in on what they have learned: from managing finances to understanding basic life skills, being prepared can make all the difference in their future success and independence. This article explores some essential areas that teens should be familiar with before stepping into adulthood. How many of these can your teen check off? Let’s find out if they’re ready for the challenges ahead!

READ: Are Your Teens Prepared For The Real World? How Many Of These Can Your Teen Check Off?

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Parent work at home from internet computer laptop effect of covid-19 virus pandemic disease healthy mother happy living to stay and play with her children. Woman.
Photo Credit: Quality Stock Arts via Shutterstock.

Juggling a career and motherhood is no easy feat, but many successful women have found ways to thrive in both roles. Here are some valuable insights and tips from accomplished working mothers on how to balance professional ambitions with family life. READ: Balancing Career And Motherhood: 6 Wise Tips From Successful Women

Is Your Child An Old Soul Or Gifted? How To Tell The Difference

Mom and child hugging.
Image credit fizkes via Shutterstock.

Do you have a young child who says things that make you think, how do they understand that at such a mature level? Or how would they know that; they have never done this before? Or a child who sits down at a piano at age 3 and plays a song they just heard by ear?

Old soul? Gifted? How do you tell the difference? READ: Is Your Child An Old Soul Or Gifted? How To Tell The Difference

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  • Robin Jaffin

    As the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners, LLC through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone she has played a pivotal role in promoting dietary solutions for individuals with specific needs in the health and wellness industry as well as amplify the voices and experiences of women worldwide.

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