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The Ultimate Wedding FAQ: Expert Advice for Your Most-Googled Questions

Couples setting out to get married are embarking on a journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but navigating all the intricate details can be overwhelming. To give you the answers to all those tricky questions troubling you on the road to happily married bliss, a wedding expert is here to answer the most commonly Googled questions about weddings.

From budgeting and venues to planning timelines and weather considerations, Kris Labang, the owner of Hawaii Wedding Photography, provides all the answers you need to make your wedding planning as easy as possible.

Demystifying Wedding Budgets

couple financial planning.
Image credit Cast Of Thousands via Shutterstock.

Question: “What is the average cost of a wedding?”

One of the most concerning questions for any couple starting to plan their wedding is a simple one: how much will this cost? Unfortunately, “Whatā€™s the average cost of a wedding?” is a question with variable answers depending on factors such as location, guest count, professional photography, open bar, DJ, and more.

Data Saysā€¦

Lesbian couple drinking coffee and on laptop.
Image credit JLco Julia Amaral via Shutterstock.

However, data shows that in the United States, the average expenditure hovers around $33,000, encompassing the venue, catering, attire, and professional photography. Kris advises, “The first thing you should do is create a list prioritizing the elements that matter most to you. This ensures that you know exactly which things are absolute must-haves while showing you things that could be sacrificed if they donā€™t fit the budget.”

Choosing the Perfect Venue

wedding venue. Wedding aisle.
Image credit weddingvideothailand via Shutterstock.

Question: “How do I choose the perfect wedding venue?”

Selecting the ideal wedding venue is crucial, as it sets the tone for your whole day. Factors such as location, capacity, amenities, and ambiance should all be taken into account when you visit potential wedding venues – as well as the all-important consideration, price. Align your choice with the overall theme and vision of your wedding, and make sure to read reviews and make a personal visit to the venue if possible before you book it.

Planning Timelines: From “Yes” to “I Do”

yearly calendar.
Image credit Midnight Studio TH via Shutterstock.

Question: “What is the ideal wedding planning timeline?”

Creating a planning timeline is crucial to ensure you have everything booked and organized in time for the big day. Typically spanning 12-18 months, this timeline includes key milestones like venue and vendor bookings, invitations, and attire selection. Kris says, “Making a month-by-month guide helps you stay organized, ensuring you confirm bookings and make payments on time and no detail is overlooked.”

Picture-Perfect Moments

sunset wedding kiss.
Image credit Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock.

Question: “How do I choose a wedding photographer?”

Choosing a wedding photographer involves more than a casual review of a few photos. After all, these will be pictures of one of the most important days of your life! Consider photography styles that resonate with you, check reviews and portfolios, and meet potential photographers to discuss your vision.

Kris advises, “Make sure you understand precisely what youā€™re getting on your special day. Donā€™t just ask the photographer if they can do it; both good and bad photographers will say they can, and thereā€™s no way to tell if they are lying. Instead, ask potential photographers if you can see all the shots they took at the last wedding they did.

Be Discerning

Gay couple marrying.
Image credit Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB via Shutterstock.

“Why? Because itā€™s easy to get swept off your feet by the cherry-picked and edited pictures photographers put on their Instagram and website. But seeing a full wedding album, with all their best and worst shots, will show you exactly what youā€™re getting and where the photographerā€™s strengths lie.

Skill Counts

Happy wedding couple.
Image credit Wedding and lifestyle via Shutterstock.

“What you donā€™t want is a ā€˜luckyā€™ photographer who only gets nice shots when the situation is perfect. Instead, you need a photographer who can get you nice pictures even in unappealing situations. Understanding the editing process and how long it will take will also help set your expectations for the finished product.”

Weather Woes: Best Months for a Sunny Celebration

rain wedding couple.
Image credit Shipilov77777 via Shutterstock.

Question: “When is the best time of year to have a wedding?”

The question of when to have a wedding often centers around weather considerations, as no one wants to get married in the rain! While summer is traditional, spring and fall also offer pleasant conditions, and each season brings its own unique charm. Looking at historical weather data for the area where the ceremony is taking place will give you an idea of what the weather might do on the dates youā€™re considering. The critical thing is to prepare a backup plan for adverse weather conditions and embrace the distinctive atmosphere each season offers for a memorable celebration.

Permits and Paperwork

wedding documents.
Image credit Africa Studio via Shutterstock.

Question: “What permits and paperwork do I need for my wedding?”

Understanding the necessary permits and paperwork for a wedding is crucial, as if these arenā€™t filed correctly, your wedding wonā€™t be considered legally binding. Research your local marriage license and permit requirements and ensure your ceremony will comply with legal regulations. A systematic approach to documentation guarantees a smooth and legally sound wedding process – and remember, you can always contact the relevant authorities for accurate guidance.

DIY or Wedding Planner?

wedding planner.
Image credit Pixel-Shot via Shutterstock.

Question: “Should I hire a wedding planner or do it myself?”

The main deciding factor in whether or not to hire a wedding coordinator is usually money. Most donā€™t see the advantage of hiring one, especially when you can take care of the easy things like hiring vendors and picking centerpieces yourself. Kris says, “But thatā€™s the point – you donā€™t hire them for easy things. The real value of a wedding coordinator doesnā€™t come to the surface until something terrible happens. Even then, a good coordinator wonā€™t inform you about it unless absolutely necessary.

But DIY Can Work

Origami hearts.
Image credit Caterina Trimarchi via Shutterstock.

“That being said, DIY is not a terrible option, just as long as you remember two things. Firstly, have someone people can go to with questions or problems – and ensure that person isnā€™t you or your partner. If you are this person, it can distract you from the day, even if nothing goes wrong. Instead, I recommend nominating a close friend or family member as your point of contact.

“The second thing is: go with the flow. Understand that things may not go as planned and be prepared for it. In fact, this is a good mindset to have even if you have a good coordinator. If it rains on your wedding day, thereā€™s nothing anyone can do to fix it, so donā€™t let unchangeable things distract you from celebrating with your loved ones.”

What About The Cake?

wedding cake.
Image credit Melnikov Sergey via Shutterstock.

Most weddings include a wedding cake, but they vary from towering showpieces meant more for their looks, to cakes that are meant to be truly enjoyed as dessert (or part of a dessert array).

“You can make your own wedding cake! Or, perhaps you are the brother, aunt or best friend of the couple with great baking skills. That is who my books are for,” says DĆ©dĆ© Wilson, baking expert and author of two books on wedding cakes, The Wedding Cake Book, and Wedding Cakes You Can Make.

For Experienced Bakers Only

wedding cake.
Image credit Erin Zawicki via Shutterstock.

Making your own cake or having a great friend or relation create the cake is a way to make a very personal statement, “as well as control the quality of the ingredients. My cakes are meant to be truly enjoyed. I have always said that if someone remarks, ‘that cake looks too good to eat’, that I have failed. I want people to say they cannot wait to eat my cakes,” she explains. Of course, she cautions this approach is for the experiences bakers, but for those of you it can be a very rewarding experience.

“There are more ambitious bakers out there than you might imagine. My first book was nominated for an IACP Julia Child Award, so a second book was the perfect follow-up,”

Budgeting Beyond the Obvious

Wedding budgeting.
Image credit Linaimages via Shutterstock.

Question: “What are common hidden costs in wedding planning?”

Hidden costs often catch couples off guard during wedding planning. Unforeseen expenses like gratuities, overtime charges, and alterations can all add up to make the final bill a lot heftier than you might have been expecting! Creating a contingency fund to cover unexpected costs ensures your budget remains intact, minimizing financial surprises.

Guest Lists and Seating Arrangements

wedding party guest list.
Image credit Gekko Gallery via Shutterstock.

Question: “How do I create a wedding guest list and seating plan?”

Creating a wedding guest list can require sacrifice, especially if you donā€™t have the funds to invite everyone youā€™d like. Kris suggests, “Make a long list of everyone youā€™d invite in your dream scenario. Then, go through and identify the absolutely essential people – family and close friends first – and keep going until you hit your maximum number of guests. Look at the people whoā€™ve been left out – are any of them people you havenā€™t met in years? Are any of them people you felt you should invite out of obligation, like co-workers or your parentsā€™ friends? You can comfortably leave these people off your list if youā€™re short on space.”

Seating Plans

wedding seating plan.
Image credit Thinglass via Shutterstock.

Creating a good seating plan requires finesse to ensure everyone is sitting with someone theyā€™ll be comfortable with. Consider the interests, personalities, and ages of everyone involved. Seat people who already know each other at the same table or try to put people together if you think theyā€™ll have something in common to talk about.

The Takeaway

married couple wedding.
Image credit PeopleImages.com – Yuri A via Shutterstock.

Kris comments, “Weddings come with many questions, and answering them helps couples plan their special day. Each question is a chance to discover new ideas and make the wedding planning process enjoyable.”

black couple getting married.
Wedding rings. Image credit PeopleImages.com ā€“ Yuri A via Shutterstock.

Marriage is often seen as a romantic union, but it is also a legal contract that comes with various obligations and rights. Many people are unaware of the full extent of these legal contractual obligations. This article aims to shed light on these often-overlooked aspects of marriage.

READ:Ā Legal Surprises In Marriage: What You Need To Know Before Saying ā€˜I Doā€™

couple meeting with lawyer.
Image credit fizkes via Shutterstock.

Getting married is an exciting milestone, but itā€™s also a major legal and financial commitment. Before tying the knot, itā€™s crucial to take care of certain legal and financial matters to protect your interests and start your marriage on a solid foundation. Here are the top 20 most important things you should do legally before you marry.

READ: Donā€™t Overlook These 20 Legal And Financial Tasks Before Getting Married

The Beauty Of Second Marriages: Why Round Two Often Triumphs

Happy older couple.
Image credit fizkes via Shutterstock.

It turns out that second marriages often emerge as the true gems, exceeding the sense of fulfillment and contentment found in the initial journey down the aisle. But what makes these unions stand out? Letā€™s explore the compelling reasons why second marriages often feel like a breath of fresh air. READThe Beauty Of Second Marriages: Why Round Two Often Triumphs


  • Dede Wilson

    DĆ©dĆ© Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP EverydayĀ® and The Queen Zone.

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